
Winds guiding flames to the Seas of Salty Dreams

Marry us together, to create salty steams


ebb & flow of merry foe

I love our streams of touch


to grasp, to whisper, to sigh, to sing

the feel of lavender in the spring


float, twirl, love, dance

together we see this beautiful trance



ebb, flow ~ to and fro

the connection of this land


fly by and feel free, as this sigh

drifting away from a heart


a healing, a beauty; an intrinsic soothing

together we feel our souls alive

together we live


Astral Projection

Today’s meditation, seemed a little harder to concentrate. Its seems that it has been like this through the past week. But I’ve been trying harder every day and Debra (Debra Lynne Katz, her books are awesome) always seems to help. The techniques are perfect in a way that they can be applied to any situation and easily malleable for every situation! Since I’ve been taking my abilities more seriously – my focus on the spiritual side of myself has taken over my life – which is a good thing :)

Among many abilities that seemed to be strengthened (clairvoyance, clairaudience, consciousness of more dreams, etc.) My communication with my spirit guide seems to have been strengthened ten fold, which is needless to say I am very happy about. I love her dearly.  Speaking of more awareness in my dreams though, I had a dream of my dear friend Tara and it seems that we were in contact together too. I believe we often see each other when we are not together <3. Among last nights events though, I have also achieved astral projecting (not that I haven’t done it before) and witnessing my physical body. I looked down at it, I touched it, I moved it and I even saw it yawn. :) This was one of the many accomplishments that I love about the world I live in.